Cornerstone Ranch
Christian Ministries
"...Jesus Christ Himself being the Chief Cornerstone." Eph. 2:20
Prayer Stratigies
Please pray with us as we Begin to build the foundations of this ministry with focused determination to reveal the truth and strengthen Gods Saints.
“The Lord rejoices to see the work begin” Zechariah 4:10
We are always grateful for your prayers because in our hearts we believe that God moves through earnest prayer and fellowship with the Father.
Throughout three decades the Lord has continued to bring the ministry launch closer. This year He showed Steve what is believed to be the site of Cornerstone Ranch – an inspired place of beauty on the banks of Spring Creek. The site is strategically located off of Highway 89 A between Cottonwood and Sedona, AZ. at the gateway to beautiful Red Rock Country.
If you are led by the Holy Spirit to pray for Cornerstone Ranch please review our prayer strategy list.
Prayer focus points for Cornerstone Ranch development:
TEAM BUILDING: Pray 1 Chronicles 28:21 “The divisions of the priests and Levites are ready for all the work on the temple of God, and every willing man skilled in any craft will help you in the work.” And pray Jeremiah 1:12 “I am watching to see that My Word is fulfilled.” Pray that God’s appointed and anointed people for this project will be plugged in at the proper time. This includes but is not limited to: the Board of Directors, advisors, architects, marketing team, donors, intercessors, builders, ministries, web designer and so on.
DESIGN: Pray that God will give us specific understanding on how to accomplish His will for the ministry of Cornerstone Ranch.
RESOURSES: Pray Malachi 3:10 “See if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room".
If you receive any response from the Lord in the form of a vision, a word, a dream, a direction or an impression we whole-heartedly invite you to share. Your revelations will be held in confidence.
Blessings form Steve and Ty
“You faithfully answer our prayers with awesome deeds, O God our savior” Psalm 65:5